BCC Research(BCCリサーチ)について
About BCC Research
Company Overview and History
BCC Research has produced reliable market research reports and forecasts for more than 45 years. Our company, founded in 1971 as Business Communications Company (BCC) Inc. by Louis Naturman, quickly proved itself as a leading market information resource, directed by analysts and editors with verified industry experience.
We began producing research and forecasts reports in the advanced materials and plastics markets. In response to demand in the greater-Boston area for market research in biotech, healthcare, pharmaceuticals and information technology, BCC Research expanded into new markets. Today, BCC Research publishes reports in 19 distinct verticals, from healthcare to nanotechnology.
For decades, our market sizing, forecasting and industry intelligence have contributed to smart business decisions-especially in markets where scientific and technological advances are at the forefront of improving businesses, economies, public welfare and quality of life.
What sets us apart:
U.S.-based management team
U.S.-based editorial team
Globally recognized expert analysts with real industry experience
More than 45 years of research focused on markets where science and technology are having the greatest impact
Proven and trusted market CAGRs and 5-year forecasts
Enthusiastic, loyal and invested Member base including billion-dollar global companies, humble garage startups, renown academic institutions, industry defining consultancies and large institutional investment banks
Industry leaders choose BCC Research when they need more than just information, but meaningful insights, spirited commentary, deep analysis by industry experts and accurate market sizing forecasts and projections.